Public Art Commission

Public Art Commission is a research initiative at Deakin University focused on the curation, scholarship, delivery and analysis of publicly funded and commissioned arts projects.
Co-directed by Professor David Cross and Associate Professor Cameron Bishop, PAC brings together two strands: the Commission itself – offering both production and reflection expertise; and Cultural Impact Projects – which brings evaluation strategies to identify the impact that arts initiatives have on the public. With Research Fellows Ilana Russell, Sarah Jones and Rachel Morley the team deliver leading-edge artistic and curatorial projects and publications, and consultancy work locally and internationally.
PAC draws on the expertise of key Deakin researchers, HDR candidates and external research fellows to drive new thinking about art in public places and the ways that arts engage the public. At a time when art produced outside of galleries, museums and theatres is continually expanding its form and value, transforming both public and private spheres, governments and organisations alike are seeking specialist knowledge to markedly improve community ties and to help determine the role art can and should play in shaping our environment. Our expert and multi-skilled organisation leads practice, dialogue and advocacy in public art and investigates what happens in the moments in which art meets the public.